The research ranks are faculty positions for those who are advancing science within a laboratory or research group at Yale School of Medicine.
The research ranks are faculty positions for those who are advancing science within a laboratory or research group at Yale School of Medicine. Overview Research rank faculty hold a PhD, MD, or equivalent degree. There are three categories of research ranks: Associate Research Scientist (ARS ) , Research Scientist (RS), and Senior Research Scientist (SRS), as detailed in the Yale Faculty Handbook. Teaching is not required for these ranks. Persons who are asked to undertake teaching should also be given a teaching appointment as a lecturer . In such circumstances, an appropriate portion of the salary may be paid from a teaching budget; however, for research appointees who are already employed full-time, the total compensation cannot be increased by payment for teaching. Research rank faculty conduct or oversee research as a skilled or advanced member of a research group, center, or core. Typically support for the position is derived from PI sponsor or research program and there ...
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